Business and Applied Technology

Erik Holst-Grubbe, Chair

Business Education
Jolene Swan
Kim Adis
Nicole Quigley

Family & Consummer Science
     Lori Hoagland
     Stephanie Gacso

Technology Education
CAD, Architectural Design - Erik Holst-Grubbe
Graphics Technology - Steve George
Auto/Power Technology - Anthony Metz
Video Production, Photography - Staci Stamm
Computer Repair - Kelly Murphy
Web Design, Mobile Apps - Kristin Violette

Snack Shack, Checks  -  Lori Hoagland, Stephanie Gacso
The Greenery - Shawn Mullen
NHS Auto - Anthony Metz
Yearbook - Kristin Violette

Inspiring Each Student to Excel

3 Primrose St., Newtown, CT 06470
Phone: 203-426-7600